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Apps & Snacks

Smoked Salmon Sandwich

Smoked Salmon Sandwich

Open faced sandwiches is how I grew up. We never ever used 2 pieces of bread to make a sandwich, it was a new concept to me when I moved to America. Just add it to the many differences between Europe and the USA. I…

Pickled Red Onions

Pickled Red Onions

Since I was a child, I’ve always loved pickled stuff. I don’t know if it’s because I’m Russian, or I just really love vinegar. Sour is one of my favorite tastes for sure. Pickled red onions are such a good condiment to add to your…

Simple Açai Bowl

Simple Açai Bowl

When I lived in Birmingham, there was this amazing açai bowl food truck. One day, one of my coworkers wanted to go there for her birthday treat. She raved about how amazing this place was and others echoed her praise. So we went, and they…

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