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Food | Life | Fun


Looking to make something to satisfy your sweet tooth? These easy desserts are sure to do the job and leave you feeling satisfied.

Blueberry Lemon and Ginger muffins

Blueberry Lemon and Ginger muffins

The last couple of weeks I have been obsessed with The Great British Baking Show. I know I am late to the party, but better late than never, right? It’s such a feel good show, but also it has been inspiring me to get in…

German Chocolate Cake Brownies

German Chocolate Cake Brownies

The other day I was going through my pantry and realized I have so many baking  ingredients, but I don’t do a lot of baking. I found unsweetened cocoa powder, and I don’t even remember buying it! I also found coconut flakes, chocolate chips, walnuts,…

Easy Traditional Tiramisu

Easy Traditional Tiramisu

I just love Tiramisu. It’s honestly one of my favorite deserts. I love that it’s not overly sweet and decadent. I know a lot of you may be shocked, but I really don’t enjoy extremely sweet and dense deserts. It always makes me feel thirsty…

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