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Food | Life | Fun

Healthy Living

Staying healthy has never been more important and food is a huge part of that. Eating healthy does not mean boring food, find all your healthy recipes here.

Mediterranean Orzo Salad

Mediterranean Orzo Salad

Boy oh boy do I love this salad. If you’re looking for a great homemade lunch ideas, this is it. I have been making this Mediterranean Orzo Salad, or a variation of it for many years. It’s so easy and I usually just throw it…

Quinoa Salad With Shrimp and Zesty Vinaigrette

Quinoa Salad With Shrimp and Zesty Vinaigrette

I took a little hiatus from posting recipes on the blog because I was on a vacation to Florida. My aunt was getting married and I haven’t actually been to Florida since 2019, thanks to the pandemic. Things have changed in Florida so much. Especially…

Easy Poke Bowl With Spicy Mayo

Easy Poke Bowl With Spicy Mayo

About a year ago my husband and I started going to this poke bowl place that is next to our house. I love sushi, so this is definitely something right up my alley. I wanted to recreate something like it to have at home wherever…

Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie

Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie

This Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie is fairly new in my recipe roster, but it’s quickly becoming one of my go to’s. Sometime last year, before the pandemic, I went out with friends for a trivia night at some local pub and they had Shepherd’s pie. I…

Smoked Salmon Sandwich

Smoked Salmon Sandwich

Open faced sandwiches is how I grew up. We never ever used 2 pieces of bread to make a sandwich, it was a new concept to me when I moved to America. Just add it to the many differences between Europe and the USA. I…

Pickled Red Onions

Pickled Red Onions

Since I was a child, I’ve always loved pickled stuff. I don’t know if it’s because I’m Russian, or I just really love vinegar. Sour is one of my favorite tastes for sure. Pickled red onions are such a good condiment to add to your…

Simple Açai Bowl

Simple Açai Bowl

When I lived in Birmingham, there was this amazing açai bowl food truck. One day, one of my coworkers wanted to go there for her birthday treat. She raved about how amazing this place was and others echoed her praise. So we went, and they…

Baked Feta Pasta, With a Twist

Baked Feta Pasta, With a Twist

If anyone is familiar with TikTok, you have probably seen the Baked Feta Pasta recipe. This recipe blew up all over social media and there is a good reason as to why. It’s delicious, doesn’t require many ingredients and takes minimal effort. I love a…

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