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Food | Life | Fun


Forget the boring lettuce and tomato salad. These salad recipes will make you fall in love with vegetables all over again.

Mediterranean Orzo Salad

Mediterranean Orzo Salad

Boy oh boy do I love this salad. If you’re looking for a great homemade lunch ideas, this is it. I have been making this Mediterranean Orzo Salad, or a variation of it for many years. It’s so easy and I usually just throw it…

Quinoa Salad With Shrimp and Zesty Vinaigrette

Quinoa Salad With Shrimp and Zesty Vinaigrette

I took a little hiatus from posting recipes on the blog because I was on a vacation to Florida. My aunt was getting married and I haven’t actually been to Florida since 2019, thanks to the pandemic. Things have changed in Florida so much. Especially…

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