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Easy Traditional Tiramisu

Easy Traditional Tiramisu

I just love Tiramisu. It’s honestly one of my favorite deserts. I love that it’s not overly sweet and decadent. I know a lot of you may be shocked, but I really don’t enjoy extremely sweet and dense deserts. It always makes me feel thirsty…

Easy Breakfast Burrito

Easy Breakfast Burrito

I love a good breakfast burrito. It’s so easy and simple, but man does it taste amazing. For this recipe you can use egg whites if you are trying to stay on the healthier side. This is a super-fast and easy breakfast burrito and it…

Walnut Cranberry and Apricot Bread

Walnut Cranberry and Apricot Bread

When I lived in Florida I used to buy this bread that had fruits and nuts in it for breakfast. I particularly loved the walnuts inside the bread; it just gave the bread this earthy flavor. The dried fruits inside offset the earthiness with tartness…

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