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My Reading List This Year

My Reading List This Year

One of my New Year’s resolutions this year has been to read more. I used to read so much more and enjoy books so much more when I was in college and in high school. Then life happened. And by life I mean Netflix. It’s been so much easier to slip into the mind numbing TV watching. The few times I did pick up a book, I was disappointed with the content. It was either boring, or just really bad. I decided to make myself read more, so I made a reading list for this year.

The Hunger Games Books

I generally love the idea of reading and want to be a well read person, but those couple of times have deterred me from reading. So this year, I am forcing myself to read at least 10 books. For Christmas, my friend gave me a whole collection of The Hunger games. I have to be honest, I wasn’t convinced. The movies did not blow me away, so I wasn’t sure that the books would be much better. I was very wrong. You know the old saying “the book is better than the movie” and this definitely applied here. The books are much better than the movies! I couldn’t put down the first two and am now on the third book. It’s been a long time since I’ve been so invested in a book series. Not since the Harry Potter books.

Other Books On My List

I don’t have my entire years list set yet, but right now I am reading The Hunger Games. Another book I’ve been eyeing is Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows by Balli Kaur Jaswal. I don’t remember how I came across this book, but I read a couple of pages and it made me laugh so it’s probably something I will enjoy.

What have you read lately that you couldn’t put down? What do you recommend? Comment below and let me know!

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